We contribute to the social, cultural, spiritual and educational development of Camella and Perdifumo thanks to the participation of local people and supporters who love our municipality.
We have worked and still do to ensure contributions to families in need to purchase: medicines, food, medical expenses, teaching materials, rent, payment of electricity and water supplies, school transport subscriptions.
Furthermore, when necessary, we have ensured contributions to local associations, such as Pro Loco, Sports Clubs, Ass. Dario Prisciandaro, parish choir, Italian Red Cross, party committees and Perdifumo and Camelia Confraternities.
We organized free English courses, pilgrimages to Rome, and Cava and favored free participation in theatrical and recreational events.
We have promoted contests on nativity scenes, bingo, and charity events. For example, in several years, we have organized the event “The Befana Arrives” at the Convent of Perdifumo for the community’s children and celebrations for the elderly and the family.
Since 1998 (the year of its foundation), the association has launched initiatives with a total value of approximately 250,000.00 euros.
During the first 20 years of activity, the association contributed greatly to the growth of Camelia and Perdifumo in all its areas, meeting the needs of various kinds and leaving a deep trace.
In 2016 he obtained the ONLUS qualification and is currently trying to continue the Founder’s project and his dream for the country that gave him birth.
Restructuring interventions carried out
For the parish churches of Perdifumo and Camelia, the association has contributed various renovations, roofs, sacristies, parish rooms, bells and audio systems. In addition, a contribution of one hundred thousand dollars (basic economic fund of the association) was given to finance the convent’s roofing works and the execution of various small renovations.
Works of particular importance:
Restoration of the ancient portals of the collegiate parish church of San Sisto di Perdifumo;
Restructuring of the external facade, the roof and the bell tower of the Church of San Nazario di Camella;
Renovation of the Perdifumo parish premises;
Restructuring of the Camella parish premises.
In addition, over the years, steps have been taken to purchase gas cylinders for heating, light bulbs and the payment of bills relating to the electric light of the parish churches. The association has contributed to the Chapels of San Rocco, the “Madonna Della Fede,” and the Confraternity of Perdifumo. He recently promoted the restructuring of the Cemetery Chapel of San Rocco
Cultural Initiatives
The association has provided free English courses and allowed free participation in theatrical and recreational events. She has done her utmost to organize pilgrimages to Rome and Cava (Abbey of the Holy Trinity). It has agreed with the Italian National Union of Social Promotion to set up a multimedia room at the Convent of Perdifumo and arrange other parish areas.
He organized the Sant’Arcangelo Award in various editions and restored parish registers from the 16th and 17th centuries in Perdifumo.
In addition, he supported the publication of three books on local history and contributed and supported the publication of texts written by other local people. For several years he activated the quarterly newspaper “La Strettola.”
In 2011, the association organized a historical event at the ruins of the ancient Monastery of Sant’Arcangelo di Perdifumo on the millennium of the foundation of the Abbey of Cava Dei Tirreni. Also, San Pietro Pappacarbon (former abbot of the monastery in the 11th century) relics were brought to Perdifumo.
He promoted the edition of a documentary video dedicated to the Feast of San Nazario (Camella) and organized editions of the Feast of the elderly and the family.
On 3 and 4 May 2008 (the tenth anniversary of the association’s foundation), solemn celebrations were held in Founder Frank Paragano’s presence. On that occasion, a large crowd participated at the cultural-religious event “Between heaven and terra,” which saw the company of the Choir of the Diocese of Rome, directed by Mons. Marco Frisina, director of the Lateran music chapel and composer of international fame.
Social initiatives
The association is active in granting grants to needy families to purchase: medicines, food, medical expenses, teaching materials, rent, payment of electricity and water supplies, school transport subscriptions.
Also, it has promoted contests on nativity scenes, bingo, and charity events.
In several years he has organized the “Befana Arrives” event at the Convent of Perdifumo for the community’s children, the elderly, and the family